Monday, June 6, 2011

Summer Plans!

Hello lovely supporters!

Penda is super excited that our Summer 2011 trips have begun! Summer is the busiest time for Kibera Penda Project with tons of volunteers headed over to help out and lots of events happening! Our first team of 25 volunteers from an Austin school arrived this week and a group from Denver, Colorado will be arriving in the next few days. In total, 8 teams from all over the U.S. will be stopping by New Hope Primary School this Summer to help out. Here's a few things that will be happening:

- A third new classroom block will be built at New Hope Primary School to help provide a safer and more quality learning environment for the Kibera Penda Project students.
- A new kitchen will be built to help feed the school's 550 students.
- A PLAYGROUND (so awesome!) will be built at the school. This will be one of the only playgrounds in the entire slum of Kibera and an exciting time for our students, many of whom have never had the opportunity to play on a playground in their entire life.
- After school tutoring sessions for New Hope Primary School and New Hope Scholarship High School students.
- Interviews, biographies and pictures of New Hope 8th grade students who will be entering the Scholarship Fund in January and will be open for sponsorships.
- Creative Writing and Art workshops for the 6th, 7th and 8th graders.
- 4 day Sports Camp for the 5th-8th graders.
- Research and planning for a future medical clinic for Kibera Penda Project students and their families.

We are pumped that this Summer's plans are underway! We've got so much happening in the next few weeks, and we will keep everyone updated through our blog and twitter! Penda appreciates all the love and support you guys have shown us and we are grateful for all of the volunteers who are giving their time this Summer to come help us out! We love you all.

- Kibera Penda Project

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